he DayBen KailGlastonbury—New London-Waterford Speedbowl owner Bruce Bemer, who is facing charges for alleged involvement in a decades-long sex trafficking ring, agreed this week to set aside $25 million in assets to cover potential damages from pending civil cases filed by almost a dozen plaintiffs.The Glastonbury businessman, 63, who owns...
Bruce Bemer, Glastonbury Businessman Accused In Sex Ring, Puts Up $25 Million In Civil Case
Hartford CourantDave AltimariThe Glastonbury business mogul charged in a sex ring operation involving troubled young men has agreed to put up $25 million in assets to cover his potential liabilities stemming from pending civil lawsuits.Several of Bruce Bemer’s accusers have filed lawsuits against him and Bridgeport Superior Court Judge Barbara...
Parents shocked when learn family friend charged with prostituting their son
newstimes.comDirk PerrefortDANBURY - After Sam Marino took his own life more than seven years ago, his friend Robert King attended the memorial service and set up a Facebook page in his honor. Marino’s parents were grateful for King’s support and compassion, because he had always seemed to be a good...