
We are proud of our firm’s track record—having obtained numerous million and multimillion-dollar verdicts and settlements on behalf of clients who have been victims of life-altering injuries. Faxon Law Group had several of the top settlements in the state—one year more than any other trial law firm in Connecticut (2017). More recently, the firm recovered a confidential eight figure settlement that financially crippled the leader of a nationwide sex trafficking ring that targeted vulnerable individuals with mental illness.

Cases need to be evaluated, accepted or denied, and litigated in order to be resolved. Justice delayed is justice denied. Therefore, Faxon Law Group takes pride in the ability to select a small number of the most deserving cases for our attention, and then tenaciously fighting the forces that would deny a just result. Some highlights include:

  • $93 million arbitration award for victims of Middletown Power Plant explosion.
  • $44 million settlement plus lifetime benefits achieved in a birth trauma/ medical malpractice case against a Connecticut hospital.
  • $33 million total recovery in bad faith insurance claims for construction explosion.
  • $30 million in combined settlement from I-95 commercial trucking transit crash.
  • $26.3 million verdict for paralysis in work-related injury. Highest work injury verdict in Connecticut federal court history.
  • $25 million verdict awarded for Bridgeport man who was struck and severely injured by a state trooper driving recklessly—highest verdict ever against the State of Connecticut.
  • $23 million settlement for spinal cord injury—highest pre-trial settlement in state history.

How do you fast track a referral case?

Don’t worry about documents, probate courts, or anything else! If it’s needed, we will get it. If it’s a case, we will bring it, keeping you updated every step of the way.