Birth Injuries

Birth Injuries from medical malpractice can occur if there is negligent care by a physician or nurse. By definition, birth trauma can involve any part or portion of the mother’s or the child’s body, including any organs or limbs. Because Faxon Law Group has handled many complex birth injury cases over the years, our attorneys and on-staff medical professionals know what to look for in the event of a serious injury to mother or infant.

Severe forms of birth trauma usually involve injury to the baby’s brain and/or the nervous system. Severe, moderate or mild damage to the brain caused by a low oxygen supply (hypoxia or anoxia) during labor may cause permanent injury and a variety of neurological problems.

Shoulder dystocia is another type of birth trauma that can occur when a baby is too large for the birth canal. If the baby’s shoulders are too wide, they can get stuck behind the mother’s pubic bone, breaking his/her arm or collarbone, or possibly causing the arm to be paralyzed. If the healthcare provider suspects the mother and baby are at risk for shoulder dystocia and fails to follow the proper procedures to ensure a safe delivery, then he/she may be at fault for the injuries.

Faxon Law Group has obtained significant settlements for families who suffered injury during a birth event gone wrong, including a $44 million settlement plus lifetime benefits against a Connecticut hospital and $8.5 million plus lifetime benefits for a newborn injured due to the physicians’ failure to diagnose a MRSA infection in the infant’s hip. If you believe you have a birth injury case, please call us for a full evaluation of the case.

How do you fast track a referral case?

Don’t worry about documents, probate courts, or anything else! If it’s needed, we will get it. If it’s a case, we will bring it, keeping you updated every step of the way.