Empower, Enrich, Enlighten, and Engage.

Enlightening Our Community

Our Fresh Faces Campaign, an innovative and successful fund-raising effort to match new donations, dollar for dollar, received by legal aid brought in a half million dollars for legal services across Connecticut over a period of just three years. These funds were critical in providing adequate legal representation to individuals and families in crisis.

Since then, it has been our mission to shed light on the frightening gap that exists between the low-income, elderly, and/or disabled sect of the population and the access that they have to proper and effective legal counsel in civil disputes.

Without organizations like New Haven Legal Assistance Association (NHLAA) providing services in the Greater New Haven area, families in desperate need of legal help might have nowhere else to turn. By partnering with NHLAA, our firm has continued to seek out opportunities where we can support legal aid in our community. At the end of every year, we ask everyone invited to our holiday party to make a charitable donation to NHLAA. Faxon Law Group then matches each and every donation, delivering a significant amount of funds ($12,500+) to NHLAA’s annual budget. We are also loyal sponsors of their Equal Access to Justice Reception—where Joel Faxon was honored in 2009—and our partners have served as board members throughout the years.

Through our matching initiatives and new donor campaigns, we hope to enlighten and educate more people in the community about the importance of NHLAA—and the budget challenges they consistently face—while encouraging young lawyers and others who are new to the legal profession to establish a continued pattern of giving throughout their career.

How do you fast track a referral case?

Don’t worry about documents, probate courts, or anything else! If it’s needed, we will get it. If it’s a case, we will bring it, keeping you updated every step of the way.