Stock Market Losses

Monetary losses in a brokerage account most often result from stock market drops, but they could also be the fault of your financial consultant. Many people are surprised to learn that their stockbroker may have liability for the losses if unsuitable investments were made. To protect investors, the National Association of Securities Dealers and the Securities and Exchange Commission have rules and regulations that require brokerage firms to put their clients’ money only into suitable investments.

Below are some questions to ask yourself if you think you have a claim:

1. Was your portfolio concentrated in high-risk stocks?

2. Were you placed into a lot of technology or risky stocks?

3. Were you sold an annuity in your IRA account?

4. Were unauthorized trades made in your account?

5. Was your portfolio churned by an unscrupulous strategy of buying and selling stocks in order to generate excess commission?

6. Did you lose your entire nest egg as a result of your broker’s advice?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you may be able to recover the losses in your brokerage account. Contact our attorneys to discuss your individual claim. We have successfully helped many clients recover lost funds.

How do you fast track a referral case?

Don’t worry about documents, probate courts, or anything else! If it’s needed, we will get it. If it’s a case, we will bring it, keeping you updated every step of the way.